You’re not broken, useless, worthless or not enough…but you might need a bit of maintance, a clear out of a few things add a couple of upgrades in somearea’s in order to start to feel a clearer and better.

If you are still reading this you probably don’t think you need to go to a therapist…you probably think you’re problems aren’t that bad, however maybe someone in your life who cares about you, partner, freidn or family or that you care for might have mentioned you need to speak to someone, maybe to do a bit of work on yourself.

It might feel daunting understanding emtoions, being vulernable with someone or even talking about stuff that makes you want to run the other way. You’re in the right place often my clients and close friends tell me, “You’re a great listener”, “Not sure why I shared that with you just felt ok about it”.

This isn’t about spending session after session looking back at the past and never moving forwards…

“You can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something—your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life.” - Steve Jobs

You might have some people tell you you get ‘little’ too angry, anxious or stressed about day to day thing, the old classic calm your farm mate.

Coaching isn’t therapy or psychology, I haven’t spent 5 years completing assignments and getting the approval of lectures in order to be able to help people, uncome out with little to no personal experience to what it’s actually like to go through the hard things life throws at you. however if you feel it necessary to get help by someone with a shiny certificate and limited real life experience please speak one, I have in the past however…I feel like there is a better way…

Think of it like a PT for your mind. I work along side you to give you the tools, the principles and formula’s so that you to start to feel better, feel more confident & calm to handle the chaos that life throw at you and a little more positivity in your day.

Sessions are currently 1 to 1;

  • 1 session @ $200 or

  • 10 session pack @ $99 per Session.

This comes with 100% Money Back Guarentee. That if after sessions 1 & 2, that this isn’t what you’re looking for and hasn’t helped. I will return your investment into working on yourself so that you genuinely get what you are looking for.



Run Coach