For the last 7 years, Patrick has been exploring, defining and shaping what it takes, what shifts the needle the most, to achieve physical accomplishmnets that most normal people struggle to comprehend, but can be acheived.

Patrick has competed in & trained for endurance events across Australia. These include;

  • Half & Full Ironman
  • Multiple Full Marathons & Ultra Marathons
  • 100km Ultra Marathons through the Vic Surf Coast &
  • 24hrs running , spent an entire day to cover more than 100miles so far...

Additionally having explored this through trianing, certifications, courses, books & actually taking a lot of bloody action, self reflection and implenting it for myself. Some the certifications include;

  • NLP Practitioner Certification

  • NLP Master Practitioner Certification

  • Athletics Australia - Level 1 Run Coaching Certification

  • oh yeah and this, Bachelor of Civil Engineer (Hons)

Patrick worked as an Engineer for small and large construction companies, 60+ hour weeks stressed out of my mind, in multi-million dollar projects all over Vic, Australia, managing projects and people. This has cultivated a unique ability to be a high quality problem solver in pressured environments.

The biggest trait is my ability is to communicate with people where they are at. Often being told, “you’re a really good listener”, “I just felt safe to share what was going on” or something to that effect. The emotional intellengce mashed with logical application is a dynamic mix, bloody hell sound like a super hero, I’m not just run a long way lol.

Time & Energy are your two biggest finite resources that you need to make the most of when you are looking to achieve the most in work, business & endurance events. I have experienced the stress, pressure and fear of failure more often then you think, people don’t create themselves in simple comfortable times.

The strategies and systems I have gained, aren’t my own. I teach and share perseptives that allow you to understand what you want and how you want to get there. I have implemented with my clients and gotten amazing results! There is no problem that doesn't have a solution, you are the only person stopping you from your potential.

I would like to share these experiences & knowledge with you to crush the goals you have set for yourself, performing at an elite level and tap into the strongest version of yourself!

Cause why not?

What do you want to know…